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Jeju International Ultra Marathon 2018
I declare that I have taken good note of the regulations of the Jeju International Ultramarathon 2018 organized by KUMF (Korea Ultra Marathon Federation) and that I unconditionally accept their terms.
Individual / Team Individual(50km, 100km, Trailrun-US$100 ; 200km-US$120) Team(50km, 100km, Trailrun-US$100 ; 200km-US$120)       by 25th of Feb.
** Remarks;- The payment to Korea Ultra Marathon Federation(KUMF)
Bank Information
Bank Name: Shinhan BankAddress: Shinhan Bank Gyeonggi-do Gwangju Branch, Gwangju City Gyeonggi-do S.Korea
A/C No: 100-022-109078
Swift Code: SHBKKRSE

** The registration fee is not included in accommodation like normal korean runners.
(All competitors will be slept on the floor like korean style in 5~10ruuners per room.) If competitors want to sleep in the arranged room, Registration fee will be added at US$15 more. (For example, in case of 100km item, the registraton fee will be at US$115 in individual registration including accommodation fee )
Choice 50km 100km 200km Trailrun(50mile)
Name / First Name
Password Name & Password - need to find/check your registration !
Born Date ex) 1960-01-01
Nationality ex) KOREA
Passport No
Sex MaleFemale
Tel Phone
Tel Mobile/Cell Phone
Waist Size
What running experience
your best marathon time
with date do you have ?
Emergency Information Relation to the person
Name / First Name
Tel Phone
Tel Mobile/Cell Phone
I declare that I am willing to participate in the Jeju International Ultramarathon 2018 in the full knowledge and understanding of the risks that the Jeju International Ultramarathon may present.For my registration, I agree to pay the enrolment fee before 25th of Feb., 2018 at midnight.I certify, under penalty of perjury, that the information given in this registration form and the personal information are correct.